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Information-analytical system for making decisions on the basis of a network of distributed situational centers
A.P. Afanasiev, Yu.M. Baturin, E.N. Eremchenko, I.A. Kirillov, S.V. Klimenko

The concept of information-analytical system IAS4i to make decisions based on a network of distributed Situation Centre, which is based on the integration of methods and approaches of situational awareness, neogeography, virtual environment, predictive modeling, serious games, grid, semantic web, cognitive technologies, and data warehousing. IAS4i has advanced capabilities for analyzing the dynamics of the situation on the basis of geospatial and semantic information supplied by networks of sensors and calculated risk maps. VE provides an "immersion" of analysts and decision makers in the scene of situation and an intuitive interface to access information.

Keywords: information infrastructure, information-analytical systems, decision support, situational awareness, Neogeography, virtual environments, e-government.

OLAP-technology of operative information-analytical support of organizational management
Lyudmila F. Nozhenkova, Vladimir V. Shaydurov

Technological approaches designed for information analytical support of regional management are presented. New elements of on-line analytical data processing and development tools of OLAPapplication are created. The tools allow solve complicated problems by means of guided OLAP-model complexes. On-line geo-modeling means in integrated systems are described. New technologic and program means allow create information analytical systems for various purpose in short time.

Keywords: complex OLAP-modelling, OLAP-machine, data processing.

Business supplies generalization method in the distributed system for information support of innovations
M.G. Shishaev, A.V. Masloboev

The method for problem-oriented innovation structures formation based on generalization of innovation subject’s business supplies has been developed. The method provides generation of business platforms in the virtual business environment which combine innovation subjects’ agents that have similar goals and interests in realizing potentially efficient business projects. The unified business supplies generalization mechanism allows improving the efficiency of potential business partners searching owing to damping requirements to description of business supplies during retrieval requests execution, and network load decreasing owing to changing inter-node communications between the agents to intra-node communications.

Keywords: information system, conceptual model, multi-agent approach, virtual business environment, innovation business.


The task of clusterization of text documents
M.V. Khachumov

Improvement of text documents clusterization technology based on number clusters optimization and their initial allocation, and also a choice of the most adequate metrics are considered. The results received during experiments confirm efficiency of the offered approach.

Keywords: text, data clustering, class, vector, metrics, centre of cluster, heading, experiment

Criterion existence of regular arrangement set of twin symbolic words in matrix size L×(2k+1)
D.M. Alekberli

A particular case of problem called scheduling was considered in this article. This case comes to finding conditions of arrangement twin symbolic words (2-words) in rows of matrix M (L×(2k+1)), k×N so that symbols in rows could stay close, and all symbols in columns of matrix could be different in pairs.
Criterion of regular arrangement twin symbolic words in matrix M was found. This criterion allows to ensure the absence of windows in the work of teachers.

Keywords: regular schedule, scheduling, optimization of the schedule, NP-complete problems, problems is solved in polynomial time, criterion for the existence of a regular schedule.

The associative intelligent machine
V.Y. Osipov

The constructional to approach of the perspective intelligent machine on the basis of a special recurrent neural network is contemplate. Operation principles of this machine and its architecture is disclosed. The state transition analysis of the intelligent machine at processing the input compound signals is presented.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine, neural network, associations, architecture, treatment, information.


Shadow simulation in virtual scenes with directed light sources
A.V. Maltsev, M.V. Mikhayluk

Effective methods and algorithms are proposed for virtual 3D scene real-time illumination calculation with considering shadows from directed light sources. Methods are based on shadow map using. Blinn’s advanced model taking into account shading and shadow density is introduced for surface illumination
calculation of virtual object to be rendered. The creation process of shadow maps for directed light sources and real-time using of this maps are considered in detail.

Keywords: visualization, shadow maps, shadow simulation.


Dynamics of the quality of recognition depending on the degree of difference between the bases of learning and of recognition
N.V. Pestryakova

For the developed by the author character recognition method based on polynomial regression, an examination of the quality of recognition according to the degree of difference between the bases of learning and received by means of its modification of recognition is carried out. A study of the dynamics of recognition base characteristics, founded on rasters and polynomial vectors is carried out for printed and hand-printed digits.

Keywords: character recognition, regression analysis, printed / hand-printed digit, polynomial vector.


Functional capabilities of a grid middleware and methods of its realization
V.N. Kovalenko

Appearance of distributed resource infrastructures created on the basis of the grid concept has discovered new opportunities for solving significant problems in different application areas. However, considering the issue of a grid technologies usage, it is important to take into account the actual state of the software in that field. The paper gives the systematic description of functional capabilities of the most widespread, time-proved tools for a grid infrastructure creation and application development.

Keywords: grid, middleware, Globus Toolkit, gLite, functional description.

2024 / 03
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2024 / 01
2023 / 04

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