G.N. Kalyanov, N.N. Titov, V.N. Shibeko The search for effective solutions to the continuous task scheduling
G.N. Kalyanov, N.N. Titov, V.N. Shibeko The search for effective solutions to the continuous task scheduling


The paper investigates a combinatorial problem of the formation of the agreed calendar work plan, ensuring a continuous and efficient loading of the resources allocated. The proposed formula for calculation of time characteristics depending on the complexity of individual works and qualification of the executor. Developed unified 2-stage equential combinatorial search algorithm the best scheduling options. For the selection of alternative solutions of the used indicators of effectiveness that takes into account economic factors and timing risks performance targets. A simple example examines the practical effectiveness of the algorithm of combinatorial search.


combinatorial search, continuous scheduling, multialternative decisions, optimizing the allocation of resources.

pp. 85-98


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