A.A. Chigrina, O.S. Volkov, K.A. Bagrationi, A.G. Prilipko Organizational determination of the collective mindfulness of IT projects' team members
A.A. Chigrina, O.S. Volkov, K.A. Bagrationi, A.G. Prilipko Organizational determination of the collective mindfulness of IT projects' team members


The authors argue for the relevance of the collective mindfulness organizational and psychological determination research. The influence of organizational and psychological factors on cognitive processes of collective mindfulness is analyzed through conducting research on two samples of IT teams’ specialists: Italian (N=61 (48%); 16% female, 84% male; age: M=34,5; SD=4,59) and Russian (N=65 (52%); 27% female, 73% male; age: M=35,5; SD=5,03). Multiple linear regression analysis results have shown: the same set of organizational and psychological factors influence the cognitive processes of collective mindfulness in different ways depending on the cultural affiliation of respondents. Furthermore, there were found out the grounds to assume the dependence of the quality of the project product on the level of collective mindfulness via conducting content analysis of 10 interviews (4 managers and 6 employees; distribution by gender: 50% male and 50% female; work experience: M=5,2; SD=3,7).


collective mindfulness, organizational and psychological factors, project management, high reliability organizations, higher mental functions, information technology, social psychology.

PP. 62-74.

DOI 10.14357/20718632190207


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