G.P. Akimova, A.Yu. Danilenko, E.V. Pashkina, M.A. Pashkin, A.A. Podrabinovich, A.V. Soloviev, I.V. Tumanova Ensuring Safety in the digitalization of Educational Institutions |
Abstract. The article describes the features of the work of higher educational institutions, including business processes in these structures. The conclusion was made about the need for digitalization not of individual areas of work, but of all the activities of an institute or university, the expediency of solving this problem was justified by introducing a unified information system that would combine all currently used and promising automated information systems. The issues of information security in the implementation of this decision are considered. Keywords: higher education institution, information security, organization business processes, digitalization, automated information systems. PP. 102-110. DOI 10.14357/207186321904010 References 1. Kovalenko V.Ye. Zadachi analiza, planirovaniya i optimizatsii v ASU VUZ. — M.: NIIVSH, 1980. — 40 s. [Kovalenko V.E. The tasks of analysis, planning and optimization in the ACS of the university]. 2. Elektronnaya informatsionno obrazovatel'naya sreda VUZa (EIOS VUZa)/ [Electronic educational information environment of the university (EIOS of the university)]/https://www.tvoivyz.ru/. 3. Avtomatizirovannaya sistema upravleniya vysshim uchebnym zavedeniyem Federal'nogo agenstva morskogo i rechnogo transporta Mintransa RF. [Automated management system of a higher educational institution of the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation]. https://asuvuz-msawt.gumrf.ru/. 4. Avtomatizirovannaya sistema upravleniya uchebnym protsessom YURGPU(NPI) imeni M.I. Platova. [The automated educational process management system of the SRSPU (NPI) named after M.I. Platova]. http://iasu.npi-tu.ru/. 5. Avtomatizirovannaya sistema upravleniya (ASU) vuzom (uchebnym zavedeniyem, stuzom, ssuzom). [Automated control system (ACS) of the university (educational institution, college, collegiate)]. http://www.kansoftware.ru/?sid=1. 6. Baymukhamedov M.F., Skormin V.V. Avtomatizirovannaya sistema upravleniya vuzom. [M.F. Baimukhamedov, V.V. Skormin. Automated university management system]. https://articlekz.com/article/21022. 7. Primery podsistem asu vuz. [Examples of ASU university subsystems]. https://studfiles.net/preview/997094/page:12/. 8. Akimova G.P., Danilenko A.YU., Pashkina Ye.V., Pashkin M.A., Podrabinovich A.A., Solov'yev A.V., Tumanova I.V. 2019. Podkhod k avtomatizatsii delovykh protsessov nauchnoy organizatsii. Chast' 2. Obespecheniye informatsionnoy bezopasnosti.[ Akimova G.P., Danilenko A.Yu., Pashkina E.V., Pashkin M.A., Podrabinovich A.A., Soloviev A.V., Tumanova I.V. Approach to automate business processes of scientific organization. Part 2. Information security.] Sistemy vysokoy dostupnosti. [High availability systems]. 2: 20-31. 9. Ob utverzhdenii trebovaniy o zashchite informatsii, ne sostavlyayushchey gosudarstvennuyu taynu, soderzhashcheysya v gosudarstvennykh informatsionnykh sistemakh. [On the approval of requirements for the protection of information that is not a state secret contained in state information systems]. Prikaz FSTEK Rossii ot 11 fevralya 2013 g. № 17. [Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 11, 2013 №. 17]. 10. Ob elektronnoy podpisi. Federal'nyy zakon ot 6 aprelya 2011g. № 63-FZ. [About electronic signature. Federal Law of April 6, 2011 №. 63-FZ]. 11. Federal'nyy zakon ot 26.07.2017 N 187-FZ "O bezopasnosti kriticheskoy informatsionnoy infrastruktury Rossiyskoy Federatsii". [Federal Law of 26.07.2017 № 187- ФЗ “On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation”]. 12. Postanovleniye Pravitel'stva RF ot 8 fevralya 2018 g. № 127 "Ob utverzhdenii Pravil kategorirovaniya ob"yektov kriticheskoy informatsionnoy infrastruktury Rossiyskoy Federatsii, a takzhe perechnya pokazateley kriteriyev znachimosti ob"yektov kriticheskoy informatsionnoy infrastruktury Rossiyskoy Federatsii i ikh znacheniy". [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 8, 2018 № 127 "On approval of the Rules for the categorization of objects of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation, as well as a list of indicators of the criteria of significance of objects of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation and their values"].