S.A. Usilin, V.V. Arlazarov, D.N. Putintsev, I.A. Tarkhanov Object Recognition and Image Processing in the Development of Oil and Gas Wells
S.A. Usilin, V.V. Arlazarov, D.N. Putintsev, I.A. Tarkhanov Object Recognition and Image Processing in the Development of Oil and Gas Wells

This paper provides an overview of modern methods of big data analysis and image processing, as well as artificial intelligence technologies concerning the task of ensuring safety in the development of oil and gas wells. The paper discusses methods for recognizing typical emergencies when drilling oil and gas wells, decision-making methods and issuing recommendations in the process of well construction, automation technology for monitoring compliance with safety procedures and organizing automatic continuous visual monitoring of technological processes, as well as an overview of modern machine learning methods, used in the process of solving problems of localization, orientation, and recognition of key structural objects in the images and video. Special attention is paid to optimization methods from the computational point of view of the considered algorithms and the realization of edge computing.


oil and gas wells, recognition of emergency situations, differential wall sticking, decisionmaking methods, automated control of technological processes, pattern recognition, neural networks, edge computing.

PP. 12-24.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200102

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