R. V. Dushkin, M. G. Andronov "Mathematical Justification for «Functional Conversion» of Technical Systems Using the Example of Intelligent Buildings"
R. V. Dushkin, M. G. Andronov "Mathematical Justification for «Functional Conversion» of Technical Systems Using the Example of Intelligent Buildings"

The article provides the mathematical foundations and justification for the reorganization of technical systems on the example of intelligent buildings within the framework of the functional approach. A brief review of the literature on the intellectualization of production and management processes is given, after which a mathematical model of the intellectualization of a technical system is described. The presented mathematical model consists of four procedures, the sequential application of which transfers the control system to the category of intelligent systems. In addition, the classes of technical systems are listed to which the principles of intellectualization given in the article are applicable. The relevance of the presented work is based on the need to transfer management processes to the Industry 4.0 paradigm and the use of artificial intelligence methods. Also, the relevance of the work is due to the widespread use of automation and intellectualization processes in the management of technical systems in various sectors of the modern economy and, accordingly, the need for their study and modeling. The novelty of the work stems from the combined consideration of technical sys-tems within the framework of the functional approach and the hybrid paradigm of constructing artificial intelligent agents using the example of intelligent building management. The article will be of interest to scientists and engineers working in the field of designing intelligent buildings and systems of the «smart city» class.

Keywords: intellectualization, control, control system, control process, intellectual building, functional approach, scenario based approach, smart city.

PP. 39-54.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200404

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