A. V. Solovyev, A. Yu. Danilenko, G. P. Akimova, M. A. Pashkin, A. A. Podrabinovich, I. V. Tumanova Long-term digital media inventory algorithm
A. V. Solovyev, A. Yu. Danilenko, G. P. Akimova, M. A. Pashkin, A. A. Podrabinovich, I. V. Tumanova Long-term digital media inventory algorithm

The article describes the problems of reliability and technological aging of digital storage media, as well as problems of changing in the hardware and software environment for storing digital data, that occur over a long keeping period (decades). A brief overview of various types of digital storage media with an assessment of the terms of reliable guaranteed data keeping. The problem of the forced change in the hardware and software environment for storing digital data is described that occurs due to the limited life of operating systems and software of storage systems, as well as due to the limited life of hardware of information systems. To solve the problems presented, an algorithm for the inventory of digital media in the organization of long-tem keeping is proposed. The main aspects and rules for the application of the presented algorithm are agreed. Aspects of the practical application of the developed algorithm are described. It is concluded that the proposed algorithm, tested by practice, allows us to solve the problems posed in the study. In conclusion, the prospects for the development and use of the proposed algorithm are considered.


 long-term keeping, reliability, metadata, inventory algorithm, digitalization, data migration, technological aging.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200304

PP. 40-48.

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