The article discusses the development of methodological support for assessing the reliability of information systems (IS), as well as assessing the effectiveness of IS application based on the reliability indicator. The advantage of the proposed methodological support is its simplicity, which makes it possible for IS technical personnel to master it. The presented methodological support includes the selection of reliability indicators, determination of failures and failures of the IS, development of a reliability scheme, development of a mathematical model for assessing reliability, development of rules for collecting and calculating statistical data, rules for evaluating efficiency. The presented methodological support has been tested within the framework of scientific and methodological support for the modernization of the State Automated System “Elections”, as well as in a number of projects and brought to the current methodology.
methodological support, reliability, information system, effectiveness of application, reliability assessment.
DOI 10.14357/20718632240202
PP. 15-25.
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